
Tower 20



Unfortunately many of  my original web sites were on free sites and got deleted.

The  Homebush Bay Christian Fellowship held Carols in the outdoor Garden

                at the Aquatic Centre for a few years.


We  held the first Christmas Day  Church Service in

  the Newington Comunity Centre  Christmas Day 2001.




Maundy Thursday


The day of Christ's Crusifiction


Resurection Sunday


RAS Service is  in the Aphitheatre in the RAS grounds  on Resurrection Sunday Morning.  for years I prayed the Prayer of Intercession.



  meeting the exhibitors from the farms and exhibitors travelling from show to show.

New Year

For a number of years we had a bar b que

 in the BiCentenial Park on New Years Eve


We held a few 9pm Prayer Meeings on New Years Eve.

Radius of Ministry - surrounding Churches.

     before the 2000 Games I had a website listing churches in the suburbs surrounding Homebush Bay.

                       sadly it got lost when the  provider deleted the free sites.

                   also during the last 20 years there have been many changes.   the following is at 2023

Newington Anglican Church

Meets on Sundays at 4.30pm in the Newington

Community Centre

River's Edge

meets at 10.00am on Sundays

in their facility in the industrial estate

facing Holker St  opposite Jamerson St.

the church Live Streams the service

    on It's Facebook page